50 km from Hurghada | 40 km from Hurghada Airport | in Safaga - Kilo 8 (where most hotels are located)
Inside Menaville Resort | Accessible to everyone - just mention at the gate you are going to the Kite & Windsurf Station - Hawa Safaga - & have your Passport or ID with you
Coffee Shops - Restaurants - Bars - Supermarkets - Pharmacies, ALL in the HOOD!
Wind & Weather
Safaga / Soma Bay is an all-year windy kitesurfing & windsurfing spot, due to its location with immediate proximity to the desert & mountains. It has a long summer and a short winter, while the summer months can be considered from March / April until October / November and there is a direct correlation between the air temperature & the wind, therefore, the wind is more stable during summer, but still blowing during winter!
- Due to the thermal wind coming from the mountains (which most weather stations do not take into consideration) an average of 2-3 knots may be added to the forecast
- The wind blows from the northwest in the morning and turns around 10 AM to be a perfect steady North Wind (Hawa Shamaal)
- The wind usually blows at least until 1/2 pm and the likelihood that it continues blowing until the sun disappears behind the mountains increases immensely during July, August & September!
- At Hawa Platform at Soma Bay (main Kitesurfing Spot) we have a side-offshore wind before he turns and then a perfect steady side-shore wind, which makes riding upwind very easy! Our spot at Soma Bay has the LEAST gust, as we have no buildings behind us (surrounded by 360˚ with water) and by the time the wind arrives to our spot, it has gained speed and stability.
- At Hawa Station in Safaga Bay we have a side-shore wind before he turns and then a steady side-onshore wind!
March / April UNTIL October / November
- Average air temperature between 26 and 34˚C
- Average wind speed during the windy hours of the day is between 15 & 25 knots
- Average speed over the whole day is at about 14 knots
December, January, February
- Average air temperature between 20 and 24˚C
- Average wind speed during the windy hours of the day is between 13 & 23 knots
- Average speed over the whole day is at about 12 knots
Monthly average wind speed & temperature: Soma Bay / Safaga - Red Sea - Egypt